
[GWICC2009]Jack Lewin谈NCDR

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/10/14 10:48:00


International Circulation: I’m here with Professor Jack Lewin. I’d like to thank you for joining us today, professor. It is a great honor having you here. At first I’d like to ask you the NCDR provides the most comprehensive cardiovascular data registry, representing a very large patient population and millions of records in the US. And this makes significant impact on clinical practice. So could you comment on the recent research projects of NCDR that you think are the most influential perhaps or most important something that we should know about?

International Circulation: Yeah. Yeah. It is interesting that you mentioned other countries. And now of course ACC is doing some cooperation here and at Great Wall there is a presence. Have you heard from many of your Chinese colleagues their ideas and their opinions that they think they could fit such a system to China in current state or current situation in China?I mean is it something that they could do here?
Jack Lewin:Yes. You know. The Chinese cardiologist, Dr. Hu, at the big Beijing cardiovascular hospital, has suggested that maybe we should be developing NCDR comparisons between large hospitals here in China with America to learn from each other. And several members here of the Great Wall leadership have suggested that the new IC3 registry might be something that could be used in the clinics in smaller communities in china to help track cardiologic diseases and determine, you know, when patients need to come to the hospital sooner. So there has been a great deal of interest. The thing is how do we finance this. It is not enormously expensive, because we can save money with this idea as well. But it does take some planning. But I think we would love it. Because then we could learn from each other.
International Circulation: Absolutely.
Jack Lewin:Here in China, for example. It is common practice to put the stand in the left main corner of
the artery. In America that is not the practice.

International Circulation:  Sure
Jack Lewin: It would be wonderful to see how our two techniques compare over time in patient population,
so we could benefit from that collaboration

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