

作者:  L.M.Ruilope   日期:2011/6/26 11:13:47


<International Circulation>: In a previous paper of yours, you stated that a low blood pressure goal when cardio-renal disease is advanced can be risky. Can you elaborate on those risks and what difficulties do clinicians face in tackling those?

    <International Circulation>:  There was a debate at this meeting with Bryan Williams and Stefan Laurent on central blood pressure monitoring and whether it should be preferred over conventional measurement. Do you have a view on this particular debate?

  《国际循环》:本次会议上Bryan Williams 和 Stefan Laurent有场关于中心血压监测及其是否优于常规测量方法的辩论。对此辩论,您有何观点?
    Prof.Ruilope: It was an excellent debate. Bryan presented a perfect defense for central blood pressure starting with the fact that blood pressure moves according to the stimuli of the baroreceptors which are located supposedly where central blood pressure is. We are getting more and more data on central blood pressure and that will continue and my conclusion is that in several years with methodologies that are cheaper and easier to utilize in clinical practice, I am convinced that central blood pressure will become a measurement of blood pressure that is totally adequate for clinical practice.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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