International Circulation: As a traditional antihypertensive agent, diuretics do not reduce the central blood pressure or blood pressure variability. How do you assess the position and prospect of diuretics in antihypertensive treatment in the future?
Cameron: Diuretics do reduce blood pressure, mainly by natriuresis, a fact well understood by doctors and they are relatively cheap. For these reasons they are considered first line drugs in some situations but in other guidelines as appropriately following other classes such as RAAS inhibitors or calcium channel blockers. It is generally considered that both ACEIs and CCBs have at least some positive side-effects on cardiovascular outcome independent of the observed effect on measured brachial blood pressure. Probable beneficial effects of non-diuretic classes of antihypertensives involve disproportionally reduced central blood pressure and possibly reduced arterial stiffness.
Overall the most important issue for all hypertensive patients is the achieved reduction in blood pressure however in my opinion the evidence strongly supports beneficial effects of CCBs and ACEIS over diuretics in most patients, particularly when there is other co-existing risk including aging or known atherogenic disease. Although it is very difficult to quantify the additional benefit of ACEIs or CCBs, or to be sure of the mechanism, it does seem very reasonable in individuals with essential hypertension even without other co-morbidities, that they should start treatment on either an ACEIs or CCB with diuretics used in combination as second or third line agents.