
[西京会2014]重视生活方式对心血管病的长期影响——James O’keefe访谈

作者:  J.O’Keefe   日期:2014/7/29 11:46:19


编者按:改变生活方式是改善心血管病患者健康的重要方式,应贯穿于一级预防、二级预防和康复全过程。在7月26日召开的2014西安国际心血管病论坛暨第十九届西京-Mayo Clinic心血管病学新进展研讨会上,《国际循环》报道团队采访了来自美国密苏里大学的James O’keefe教授,请他详细阐述生活方式在心血管病患者干预过程中的关键作用。


  International Circulation: The linear relationship of alcohol and atrial fibrillation, a study has said that it is linear but the reality is different.




  James O’Keefe: There is a plateau, for most people we have not seen a problem in most the data would suggest the one drink per day, you get a free pass with no increased risk of atrial fibrillation.  After that it is a steady increase.  That is a reversible risk just like extreme exercise increases risk of atrial fibrillation and like extreme exercise, with excess alcohol the risk of atrial fibrillation tends to, in other words the episodes of atrial fibrillation become less common when you eliminate alcohol or the excess exercise.


  James O’Keefe教授:饮酒与心房颤动风险的关系存在一个平台期。对大多数人而言,大多数数据均显示,每天饮酒一杯并不增加心房颤动发生风险。饮酒一杯以上时随着饮酒量的增加,心房颤动发生风险才稳步增加, 但这种风险是可逆的。与过度运动会增加心房颤动风险一样,过量饮酒也会增加心房颤动风险;但停止饮酒或过量运动后心房颤动的发生风险的发作将显著减少。


  International Circulation : This is about cardiovascular complications and the major risk in diabetic patients.  What do you think is the most important measure we can take to improve cardiovascular prognosis for our diabetic patients?




  James O’Keefe: That was one of the topics that I spoke about here at this conference.  It is a huge topic.  Cardiovascular patients with type 2 diabetes, about 70% of them die of cardiovascular complications.  It is a huge problem and on the flip side, people with cardiovascular disease often have diabetes.  It is really something we should address.  It is a complicated topic but the short answer is diet and exercise, weight loss, daily exercise like walking is ideal, getting rid of excess belly fat.  With diabetes we think it is important to especially eat more high fiber foods like vegetables and fruits and really eliminate those processed calories and the excess calories because a lot of diabetes and type 2 diabetics will actually go away entirely with normalization of weight.  You can do that with gastric bypass surgery but you can also do that by getting very conscientious about healthy diet.  With regard to pharmacological management of type 2 diabetes, we think a statin is very important for most of those people.  Again atorvastatin has good outcome data with the CARDS trial.  We would also think about making sure their blood pressure is under control to the latest guidelines, the JNC 8, and liberalize that a little bit and say that people with type 2 diabetes blood pressure goal is 140/90 or below.  We do not need that aggressive 130/80 goal we used before because the outcome data, the randomized control data did not support that more aggressive control, but that being said it is still very important.  I think that ACE inhibitors have an unprecedented amount of outcome data in the setting of hypertension with diabetes.  I feel strongly that ramipril and perindopril are the 2 best ACE inhibitors to use with people with 2 type diabetes.  From a standpoint of treating their glucose, as a cardiologist, this is kind of not considered my strong suit although we have done a lot of work in conjunction with endocrinologists who know a lot about this.  The risk of excess glucose comes as especially a problem with post prandial glucose and it is important to improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes.  In that regard the best therapies for improving prognosis in the setting of diabetes from a cardiovascular standpoint are therapies that do not cause post prandial hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia in general.  Things like insulin, if you can get by without it you are better off not using it if they have heart disease or risk factors for coronary disease.  We have the old fashioned


  Sulfonylureas like terbutaline are not a good therapy.  We think instead metformin, assuming kidney function is normal, is a very good therapy.  We like pioglitazone because it reduces cardiovascular events.  It can cause some weight gain and some other issues with pioglitazone but none of these diabetic therapies are perfect.  We like Acarbose.  It is a starch blocker and it slows the digestion of complex carbohydrates so it reduces post prandial hyperglycemia and can improve prognosis.  The DPP4 inhibitors tend to be neutral, it looks like from a cardiovascular standpoint it is a reasonable choice but that is sort of the therapy in a nutshell that we think would be a good strategy.


  James O’Keefe教授:这是我本次大会的讲题之一。这个问题其实是个很大的话题。2型糖尿病患者的心血管并发症不容忽视,约70%的2型糖尿病患者死于心血管并发症。另一方面,很多心血管疾病患者常合并糖尿病。因此糖尿病患者心血管并发症的管理是一个非常需要关注和值得讨论的问题。简要来说,改善糖尿病患者心血管并发症的重要措施有饮食运动干预、减重。每天通过散步等运动来清除多余腹部脂肪是非常理想的方式。就饮食而言,对糖尿病患者来说尤为重要的是要多吃高纤维食物如蔬菜及水果,避免摄入并清除过多的热量,因为很多2型糖尿病患者随着体重的正常化,其糖尿病会消失。虽然减重手术也可以做到这一点,但是通过重视健康饮食可同样可以做到。就2型糖尿病的药物管理而言,我们认为他汀类药物对其是非常重要的。CARDS试验表明,阿托伐他汀能为患者带来非常好的结局。此外,根据最新发布的JNC 8指南推荐我们还要确保2型糖尿病患者的血压得到很好的控制。该指南将2型糖尿病患者的血压控制目标放宽到了≤140 /90 mm Hg。我们不再需要采用原来所用的更为积极的≤130 /80 mm Hg的降压目标。这主要是因为随机对照试验数据并不支持更积极强化的血压控制能改善其最终临床结局。尽管如此,血压控制对2型糖尿病患者而言还是非常重要的。我认为,目前我们积累了大量在糖尿病高血压患者中应用ACEI类药物对患者结局影响的数据。我认为,雷米普利及培哚普利是最适用于合并2型糖尿病之高血压患者的两种ACEI类药物。对心内科医生而言,尽管我们与熟知糖尿病治疗的内分泌科医生合作开展了很多工作,但处理患者的血糖问题仍然不是我们的强项。血糖尤其是餐后血糖增高是个大问题,因此改善2型糖尿病患者的胰岛素敏感性是非常重要的。从这个角度来说,心血管医生最好能选用一般不导致餐后血糖增高或低血糖的降糖药物,从而改善患者预后。就胰岛素而言,在患者合并心脏病或冠心病风险时,如果可以不用的话,则最好不用。而特布他林等老一代磺脲类药物并不是糖尿病患者非常好的治疗选择。如果患者的肾功能正常,则二甲双胍是非常好的治疗选择。吡格列酮受欢迎则是因为其能减少心血管事件,不过其会导致体重增加及其他问题。这些糖尿病治疗药物都不是完美的。我比较喜欢的应用的是阿卡波糖,其能延缓碳化化合物的吸收从而降低餐后血糖,改善患者预后。DPP-4抑制剂对体重的作用是中性的,从心血管结局的角度来说其实非常合理的降糖选择。



  重视生活方式对心血管病的长期影响--美国圣??卢克斯医院James O’Keefe专访

  编者按:改变生活方式是改善心血管病患者健康的重要方式,应贯穿于一级预防、二级预防和康复全过程。美国圣??卢克斯大学的James O’keefe教授阐述生活方式在心血管病患者干预过程中的关键作用。







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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:徐竞鸥


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